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Future of Heating


  1. We want customers to know that Eluxevo are on a mission to decarbonise domestic heating in a way that is desirable and attainable for them.
  2. Customers want to do the right thing, but what they say and do is mixed with complex trade-offs, and cost and comfort are more important.
  3. Customers may not feel like they have the agency to make a difference (group think), and therefore may not realise the importance of their collective actions.

Persona 1

Sara is athletic. She loves vibrant colors. She thinks homes should give energy to all people. She thinks home is a place for bonding with family and also inviting friends and having parties.

Persona 1

Sara is athletic. She loves vibrant colors. She thinks homes should give energy to all people. She thinks home is a place for bonding with family and also inviting friends and having parties.

Persona 1

Sara is athletic. She loves vibrant colors. She thinks homes should give energy to all people. She thinks home is a place for bonding with family and also inviting friends and having parties.

Which persona do you prefer?